Friday, June 3, 2011

Long Island Business News: Doctors cautiously join IPAs

After decades in which patient privacy concerns, a culture of independence and antitrust issues divided doctors, physicians are banding together in groups, largely due to encouragement from insurers and the federal government.

The idea is that they can provide better care by sharing data and adhering to shared standards.

"It's like herding cats," said Michael Guarino, who is organizing the Nassau/Suffolk County Independent Physician Association, of efforts to overcome a culture of independence and isolation. "They've all been trained to be independent and think that way. They're the captain of the ship in the OR. Now someone's trying to put them in a group."

The result is the equivalent of bulldozing the Berlin Wall as doctors continue to run their practice, while participating in entities that set standards and procedures and help negotiate contracts and group purchasing.

On Long Island, The Beacon Independent Physician Association and East End Physician Hospital Organization formed recently. The North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System also operates an IPA.

"Beacon IPA physicians are working together to produce regular performance reports, determine specific quality and safety benchmarks, and identify potential issues in patient care," Beacon CEO Dr. Simon Prince said.

Beacon last week reached a landmark, signing its first contract with an insurer, Empire BlueCross BlueShield, enhancing reimbursements in return for accepting standards.

"It's more of a partnership with Beacon in a different approach to managing care," John Caby, Empire's vice president of provider engagement and contracting, told LIBN. "They'll agree on certain parameters to justify reimbursement on an ongoing basis."

Beacon will pool data and take measures, including extending office hours, which Empire believes will save money and improve care.

"You should see a reduction in ER visits," Caby said. "I don't need to go in the ER in that scenario. It impacts total cost of care."

Despite their promise, IPAs face potential problems, including the fact that earlier efforts to band together in the 1990s largely failed and there's no guarantee cooperation will improve care and cut costs.

"We learned people took on risk and weren't capable of managing the risk," Caby said of those earlier, failed efforts. "That created a financial problem."

IPAs under managed care typically were paid per patient, which Caby said resulted in rates so low some couldn't survive. He said the new generation of IPAs, at least so far, isn't paid per patient.

"It's a big difference, except there is an expected outcome," Caby said. "Although there may not be a budget established for Beacon, at the end of the day, you expect to see lower costs of care with higher-quality outcomes."

Others said electronic data makes it easier for doctors to share and track information.

Some doctors worry the new generation of IPAs may also fail.

"They never worked before. Are they going to work?" asked Dr. Dort Ben-Moha, a physician in Plainview who belongs to the North Shore-LIJ IPA. "What's going to happen to the little person like me not employed by the hospital, not in a large practice?"

She doesn't believe she's obtained big benefits by belonging to the North Shore-LIJ IPA.

"Our rates only keep going down," she said. "Has it got better? No. Our malpractice (insurance) is still sky high."

Although some IPAs like Beacon and Nassau/Suffolk County were created exclusively by doctors, hospitals are helping set up their own physician groups.

"There are benefits and disadvantages," Guarino said of organizations involving hospitals. "You can't have two masters. Am I worried about the physicians or the hospital system?"

Rules are still forming regarding these groups and reimbursement, leaving a big question mark.

"There are a lot of challenges these organizations face," Manko said. "As government tries to incentivize providers to create networks, the government has to come out with new regulations."

Caby said groups need to use data to benefit patients, eliminating duplicate tests and providing follow up and more prevention.

"They need to be clinically integrated and have the physician leadership to make it work," Caby said. "Clinical integration is a very big obstacle. If physicians don't work together, you can be pulled in different ways. The resources expended don't always result in better outcomes."

Manko also said it's easier to form these groups than to make them work, noting "they're not complicated to do from a legal standpoint, but achieving clinical integration is difficult."

Guarino believes they also can provide economic benefits, by pooling physicians for group purchasing.

"They're all small businesses," Guarino said. "They buy 10 vaccines. I could buy 10,000."

David Manko, a partner specializing in health care law at Uniondale-based Rivkin Radlersaid physicians are "going to have to do something, because staying by themselves isn't really an alternative anymore" as health care reform requires greater cooperation.

"The main goal is how to aggregate the data so we can change the way healthcare is delivered," Guarino said. "For independent physicians, this is what we have to do. We have to get this started."

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Long Island-Based Beacon IPA Inks Deal with Empire BlueCross BlueShield


                                                    Press Release

Long Island-Based Beacon IPA
Inks Deal with Empire BlueCross BlueShield

Media Contacts:
Sally Kweskin, (720) 373-4836,
Dr. Simon Prince, (516) 570-3580,

May 26, 2011 – Manhasset, NY – Beacon IPA, a young and rapidly-growing physician network consisting of almost 200 healthcare practitioners, has proudly announced a three-year agreement with Empire BlueCross BlueShield. The new contract brings together two premiere organizations, committed to finding new ways to enhance the overall quality, efficiency and safety of clinical care at reduced costs.

“We anticipate major changes driven by new healthcare reform at both the State and Federal levels,” said John Caby, VP, Provider Engagement & Contracting, Empire BlueCross BlueShield. “We believe there are great opportunities for collaboration between payors and physicians in the interest of better aligning payment with value, reducing fragmentation and placing greater emphasis on wellness and prevention.”

As Empire continues to amp up its focus on quality-based reimbursement, this collaboration will serve as a long-term strategy to curb rising healthcare costs and improve the patient experience. Beacon’s sound leadership, clearly-defined performance standards, and management strategies, were some of the factors that encouraged Empire to join efforts with the young network.

“In today’s environment, accountability is absolutely critical for success,” said Nephrologist Dr. Simon Prince, President and CEO of Beacon IPA. “Beacon IPA physicians are working together to produce regular performance reports, determine specific quality and safety benchmarks, and identify potential issues in patient care.  We are convinced that our relationship with New York’s leading insurance company will not only benefit the payor and all our member physicians, but will also pave the way for better, safer and more affordable care. Therefore, I look forward to working with Empire BlueCross BlueShield in support of this goal.”

At a time when millions of people are struggling to make sense of the intricate healthcare system, Beacon IPA has created a solid infrastructure for improved clinical care and doctor/patient communications. Patients stand to benefit significantly from instant medical attention, streamlined communications with their providers, and improved follow up system, while avoiding unnecessary testing procedures or frequent visits to the emergency room. For people suffering from chronic conditions, Beacon IPA physicians will focus on helping their patients make more informed decisions and more effectively manage their illness.

“As we move towards becoming a clinically-integrated IPA, we are intent on leveraging the latest technology and helping all our physician members implement electronic medical records in their offices,” added Dr. Prince. “It will invariably facilitate the communication process between our doctors and reduce medical errors that are prevalent in the medical field.”

Since its inception in July of 2010, Beacon IPA has established itself as a cohesive and patient-centered independent practice association, comprised of primary care practitioners and specialists. As economic pressures continue to rise, Beacon IPA is countering a growing trend towards consolidation in the healthcare market.

“We’ve been closely watching other states, such as Massachusetts and Rhode Island, that have been deeply affected by the changing landscape of healthcare reform,” said Mr. Caby. “We are anticipating what may be coming down the pike in the near future. Our agreement with Beacon IPA is a way to improve the health status of our communities and help reduce the avoidable expenses that continue to increase the cost of health care.”

About BIPA
Beacon IPA is a grass roots physician-owned and -governed organization founded in 2010 which looks to become a recognized leader in implementing comprehensive care management programs, pay-for-performance and provider reimbursement models tied to quality measures and patient outcomes. Beacon IPA is committed to becoming a clinically integrated physician network that enhances the viability and sustainability of independent private practice physicians in the New York metropolitan area. For more information about Beacon IPA, visit

About Empire BlueCross BlueShield
Serving New Yorkers for over 75 years, Empire BlueCross BlueShield is the largest health insurer in New York supporting nearly six million members and more than 38,000 business, union and small employers in New York. Empire BlueCross BlueShield (Empire) is the trade name of Empire HealthChoice Assurance, Inc., and Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield HMO is the trade name of Empire HealthChoice HMO, Inc., independent licensees of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, serving residents and businesses in the 28 eastern and southeastern counties of New York State. Additional information about Empire is available at Also, follow us on Twitter at, on Facebook at, or visit our YouTube channel at

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Meaningful User: Anyone Can Do It


Juan Salazar, M.D., a solo internal medicine practitioner in McAllen, Texas, recently received one of the first Medicare electronic health records meaningful incentive checks (for $18,000). He's been practicing for three decades and only adopted an EHR about 18 months ago. Salazar understands the fears of peers to switch to electronic records, believing them to be cumbersome and adding little value to their practice. "When I started with EHRs I had the same fears," he notes. "I was changing cultures."

But he'll never return to paper because the ambulatory EHR from Cerner Corp. has made him and the office far more efficient while improving care. Patients, for instance, can see their health status trends on the laptop "and it gives a sense of wellbeing that they're getting better."
Salazar sees the same number of patients and goes home at the same time that he did in a paper environment, but now his charts are done before he leaves.  The time he spends on entering data is more than offset by the time saved as he isn't asking patients the same basic health history and status questions each visit because that information already is on his screen. His message to peers: "I'd never worked on an EHR in my life and if I can do it, anyone can."
As Salazar and the staff learned how to use the EHR, they found out how inefficient they were without it, says Janie Davila, office manager.
Achieving meaningful use actually was quite easy, she adds. The toughest part was learning how to access all the data in the system, which includes scanned historical information as patients are seen for the first time since the EHR went in. But all the information they needed to attest to meaningful use was in the system and accessible, Davila notes. "The end-of-month reports are right there and I can graph anything I want."
She cautions other providers, however, to be prepared for some push-back from patients who may feel offended when asked for certain demographic information, particularly race and ethnicity. But they accept an explanation that information is a new requirement.
Salazar will use some of the first-year meaningful use incentive check to pay bonuses to staff, and save the rest.
--Joseph Goedert

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

CMS Today Announces Three New Initiatives Intended to Enable Prospective Accountable Care Organizations to Hit the Ground Running

Legal Bulletin

By David A. Manko, Esq. and George Choriatis, Esq.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) today announced three new initiatives in connection with its efforts to advance accountable care organizations (ACOs) – a new type of healthcare organization being promoted under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“Affordable Care Act”) enacted last year.  As discussed in our prior alerts, the Affordable Care Act requires CMS to establish a new Shared Savings Program under Medicare, which is intended to encourage physicians, hospitals, and other healthcare providers to form ACOs to assume accountability and coordinate their services for a defined patient population and to be rewarded for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of their care with respect to that patient population.  Today’s announcement follows several important developments regarding ACOs that have taken place over the past two months.  On March 31, 2011, CMS had issued proposed regulations implementing the Shared Savings Program.  On that same day, the HHS Office of Inspector General, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Internal Revenue Services had made various proposals to provide protection to ACOs under the federal healthcare fraud and abuse laws, the anti-trust laws, and the tax laws.  During that same week, the New York State legislature had enacted a law establishing an ACO demonstration project in New York State.  

The new initiatives announced by CMS today are intended to help ACOs hit the ground running when the Shared Savings Program commences, which is planned to commence in 2012.  These new initiatives are as follows:

(1)        The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (Innovation Center) is establishing a new “Pioneer ACO Model” program, which is intended to support “vanguard” organizations that already have extensive experience in coordinating care for patients and are well-poised to serve as ACOs to test innovative payment models and other innovations that differ from those established in the Shared Savings Program.  Up to 30 organizations will be accepted into the program.   Organizations interested in participating in the Pioneer ACO Model must submit to CMS a letter of intent by June 10, 2011 and a complete application by July 18, 2011. 

            (2)        The Innovation Center also issued a request for comments on a new initiative it is considering, the Advance Payment Initiative.  The Advance Payment Initiative, if implemented, would provide that certain ACOs participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program would be entitled to receive pre-payments of a portion of their future shared savings for use in investing in the infrastructure necessary to coordinate care and improve value for patients.  Parties interested in submitting comments must do so by June 17, 2011.

(3)        CMS is establishing a new series of free training sessions, the Accelerated Development Learning Sessions.   The sessions will be made available to providers interested in participating in CMS’s ACO initiatives.  They will teach providers interested in becoming ACOs how to develop an action plan for moving toward providing better coordinated care.

Huffington Post: Healthcare Costs Double In Less Than A Decade

U.S. healthcare is so expensive that records are broken even when cost increases slow.
According to a new report by Milliman, a global consulting and actuarial firm, the total cost of healthcare for the average family of four, if covered by a preferred provider organization, is now a record $19,393.
That might be only 7.3 percent higher than last year's average cost of $18.074, which is the smallest year-over-year increase in almost a decade. But it's also the highest year-over-year increase in total dollars spent per family at $1,319.
Trends over the last decade more completely illustrate the toll taken on the average American by rising healthcare costs.
"In 2002, American families had healthcare costs of $9,235, and those costs have now doubled in fewer than nine years," said Lorraine Mayne, Milliman principal and consulting actuary, in a press release. "As costs continue to grow -- and even as the cost trend decelerates -- the total cost of care for American families constitutes a larger and larger portion of the household budget."
Of that $1,319 increase, employers were paid for 48.6 percent of the increase, while the additional 51.6 percent was the responsibility of employees.
That's only slightly different from trends of the last five years. Over that period, employers have absorbed $3,023 in additional healthcare costs, employees themselves absorbing only slightly less, at $2,988.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Berwick touts ACOs in an exclusive online commentary

We can have it all

By CMS Administrator Dr. Donald Berwick
Posted: May 17, 2011 - 1:00 pm ET

American healthcare is at a crossroads. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, we are now well on route to assuring that all Americans have the peace of mind that comes with access to healthcare insurance. Thanks to the new law, insurance companies won't be able to deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions, seniors will have access to important preventive care, and health insurance will become affordable through “exchanges” to people who otherwise couldn't afford it.

But better coverage isn't enough. We also need better care. The reason is simple: In its current form, American healthcare is not sustainable, either for many of the people who already have insurance or for the tens of millions who now will be newly covered. It is too often fragmented, uneven in its quality and unsafe for patients, all of which raises costs and degrades care at the same time.

I am absolutely certain that we can have what we want and need—better care, better health and lower costs—all at the same time. But we can have that only if we are willing to improve the healthcare system, itself—only if we are willing to change the way we deliver care. If we are willing, then the Affordable Care Act can help. Because it doesn't just extend coverage and provide new routes to health insurance; it also gives our nation new tools for improving the care system.

One of those important new tools is the so-called accountable care organization. The idea of the ACO is to encourage and support physicians, hospitals and other providers to lower costs by providing better quality care, and to reward them for success by allowing them to share in the resulting savings. ACOs are part of an important agenda of change: to shift American healthcare from a system based on the volume of care (the more you do, the more you get paid) to one based on the results of care (the better you do for patients, the more you get paid).

ACOs won't just be a new way to pay for care; they will be a new and better way to deliver care.

In late March, the CMS published its initial, proposed rule on how to implement ACOs, and we are now in the midst of a public comment period. We've heard from hospitals and physician groups about their concerns related to the need for capital, shared savings and reduced complexity. We also know consumers want choice and quality. We are listening to these comments, taking them seriously and working to improve the proposal into an even better final rule.

That's a challenging job, because the ground rules for ACOs have to strike several careful balances. We want to give providers incentives to achieve savings and tools to help coordinate and improve care, but we also want to make sure that they don't stint on care or withhold care when it's needed. We want to make sure that patients get far better coordinated care, but we don't want to burden ACOs with rafts of cumbersome regulations. We want ACOs to form close relationships between primary-care providers and specialists, but the Affordable Care Act requires that patients in ACOs retain the right to see any Medicare provider they want. ACOs need data, but patients need their privacy protected. The CMS and our partner agencies have been holding feedback sessions and soliciting input from all stakeholders—physicians, hospitals, patient advocates and many more—on the proposed rule, so that we can get these balances right.

Meanwhile, we're moving ahead quickly. Even as we continue to seek input on the ACO proposal, we are launching several initiatives to allow us to hit the ground running. Providers who are already ahead of the pack in coordinated care will have an accelerated pathway to becoming ACOs even before the new regulations go into effect, thanks to a Pioneer ACO program just announced by the CMS's new Innovation Center. We are seeking comments on a proposal to provide some up-front payments to providers who want to form ACOs but lack access to capital to invest in new infrastructures and staff to coordinate care. And the Innovation Center will soon launch a program of instruction and technical support to help newcomers who want to form ACOs learn how to do so.

As we navigate toward a final version of the ACO design, we are impressed by the level of engagement on this topic; people sense that we are at the threshold of an important and productive change. And, as difficult as it is, coming up with a workable, promising framework for ACOs based on stakeholder feedback will be well worth the effort, because, if implemented correctly, ACOs will be a driving force in improving health and lowering costs. They will be one key to sustainable, high-quality care for all of us.

Dr. Donald Berwick is the administrator of the CMS.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sequel Systems partners with Beacon IPA


Sequel Systems partners with Beacon IPA

Sequel Systems partners with Beacon IPA

Melville, NY – March 30, 2011 – Sequel Systems, Inc. is pleased to announce a partnership agreement with Beacon IPA, LLC. This partnership will offer an exciting new benefit to the hundreds of physicians in Beacon IPA’s rapidly growing membership. Sequel Systems will be helping the IPA physicians to implement world class Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Practice Management (PM) software in their practices moving the IPA closer to its goal of clinical integration.

Founded in the summer of 2010, Beacon IPA, LLC, is a grass roots physician-owned and -governed organization, headquartered in Manhasset, NY and licensed in the State of New York.

Beacon IPA is committed to becoming a clinically integrated physician network and a recognized leader in implementing comprehensive care management programs and provider reimbursement models tied to quality measures and patient outcomes. At the same time they provide independent private practice physicians with the means to endure the challenges of healthcare reform, mitigate administrative costs, and maintain their autonomy, while complying with increased regulation.

Sequel Systems’ partnership with Beacon IPA leverages the strengths of both organizations and will help providers meet the critical challenge of simplifying complex healthcare IT needs and ensures that accurate and timely access to patient information is achieved. The partnership grants members of the IPA access to exclusive discounts on SequelMed EMR and EMR + PM to help make their practices thrive and increase efficiencies.

”The partnership with Beacon IPA marks an important step in the continued growth and expansion of Sequel Systems, Inc.” said Khurshid Mughal, CEO and President of Sequel Systems. “We look forward to delivering Beacon IPA provider members a one-stop, comprehensive solution that can enable them to meet the criteria for Stage 1 Meaningful Use.”

The decision for Beacon IPA to partner with Sequel Systems was reached after exploring a number of systems. “Since the selection of software is a multi-faceted decision, Beacon IPA felt that a partnership with Sequel Systems brought to the table a gain in efficiencies and reduction in costs that was unparalleled,” said Dr. Simon Prince, CEO and President of Beacon IPA. “Sequel Systems provides a level of careful planning and execution of an implementation plan that increases the overall success of the EMR system in achieving the IPA’s goals of clinical integration. Furthermore, the positive economic impact to our membership was quite attractive. This partnership will shorten the time in which IPA physicians will see a quantifiable return on their IT investment.

Sequel Systems guarantees that as part of the Training and Implementation, providers will be prepared to achieve Meaningful Use and qualify to get stimulus incentive payments of up to $44,000 for Medicare and up to $63,750 for Medicaid, per provider.

SequelMed EMR version 8 is 2011/2012 Meaningful Use compliant in accordance with the criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The certification deems the Electronic Medical Record software capable of enabling providers to meet the Stage 1 meaningful use measures required to qualify for incentive payments under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).

In addition to the monetary incentives, the adoption of SequelMed EMR can improve quality of care, advance patient safety, increase customer satisfaction and enhance office efficiency for physician practices. Facilities and practices using a certified EMR may also experience increased profitability through reduced costs and increased revenue.

For more information on SequelMed and its discount for Beacon IPA members, please call Jonathan Goldstein at 516.570.3580 or Chris Klemballa at SequelMed at 631.694.3600 
Amanda Leitl-Scanlan
Sequel Systems, Inc.

About Beacon IPA
Beacon IPA is a grass roots physician-owned and -governed organization founded in 2010 which looks to become a recognized leader in implementing comprehensive care management programs, pay-for-performance and provider reimbursement models tied to quality measures and patient outcomes. Beacon IPA is committed to becoming a clinically integrated physician network that enhances the viability and sustainability of independent private practice physicians in the New York metropolitan area. For more information about Beacon IPA, visit


Monday, April 18, 2011

In an ACO, Who's Accountable?

 Philip Betbeze, for HealthLeaders Media, April 14, 2011

If the accountable care organization becomes the dominant way healthcare is organized in the future, providers will likely face the wrath of both the public and the pundits under ACOs. That will come later, but it is inevitable because one of the chief priorities of ACOs concerns limiting utilization—the same role HMOs once filled.

Under the current payment system, hospitals are the hub of the healthcare experience. They do the most expensive procedures, but generally, their responsibility to the patient ends at discharge. Beyond broad regulations focusing on readmission rates and quality scores, the new healthcare reform law includes demonstration projects that provide incentives and, notably, penalties for providers if they do a poor job of coordinating care. That means if ACOs become the dominant reimbursement structure, communication and handoffs between the hospital and ancillaries, including ambulatory care, surgery centers, primary care providers, the pharmacy, even hospice, will become especially important.

Central to the ACO concept is the idea that patients deserve to have their care coordinated such that one entity giving a service to the patient has all the information about what has been done for that patient elsewhere in the continuum, and then takes that information into account when treating that patient. Such a model helps remove some of the waste in healthcare due to duplicative care, and also makes some entity responsible—through shared payment—for not only distributing that payment equitably among entities involved in the episode of care, but taking responsibility that the patient will not have to seek care to rectify a health problem that should have been addressed during the episode. But who, or what, should that entity be?

It doesn’t necessarily have to be the hospital. In many cases, it will be, but other organizations, most commonly health plans and large multispecialty physician practices and medical service organizations can also serve as the “accountable” party in the ACO.

What is an ACO?
It’s a legitimate question. Several organizations, including CMS, have demonstration projects or independent trials going on right now, with dozens of organizations spending real money to try to figure out how to compete in a new reimbursement paradigm. But they clearly haven’t figured out how transform an idea that makes common sense into one that makes business sense.

On its face, the ACO is a simple structure. It has two functions. Most important, says Michael Sachs, chairman and CEO of Sg2 Inc., a Chicago healthcare information company, it manages utilization. A distant second priority, when utilization of a service is to take place, is to find where it can be done most efficiently.

“Whatever the unit of service is, you want to reduce it,” says Sachs. “Whether I buy the procedure at $4,000 or $5,000 isn’t terribly significant. It’s whether the procedure is done at all.” He offers, as an example, visiting two different auto body shops and having them compete on the service. You may save by shopping around, but the big point is: Did you get in the accident?

“People always want to go straight to the second element, but that’s not where the savings are going to be and where the real innovation is,” he says. Instead, savings will revolve largely around new models of care, which is where the bigger payoff lurks. He mentioned that over the past 30 years, “whenever there’s been a preauthorization put in front of the utilization of the service, utilization has decreased.”

Ah, but that’s what managed care has done and has continued to do, much to the chagrin of many, if not most, patients and physicians. For example, over the past four years or so, managed care organizations have required preauthorization of imaging, although they have backed off of preauthorization in many other areas.
“The cost is really not in seeing the doc,” he says. “You can’t get the imaging anymore unless it’s preauthorized, so that’s how you manage utilization.”

The Access to Medical Imaging Coalition says in a report that imaging utilization has decreased since the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, which included the provisions to do so. For instance, the use of CT, MRI, PET, and nuclear services grew by only 1.1%, much slower than before. Meanwhile, screening mammography and the use of dual energy x-ray absorptiometry to detect osteoporosis continue to decline in volume.

Much of the discussion about ACOs has hovered over what entity will have control. Will it be a business entity? Will it be a bunch of joint ventures? Those issues will be worked out, say those who have already embarked on accountable care. The main issue that needs to be solved is clinical integration among a wide variety of players in patients’ healthcare.

“Why does it have to be a hospital-based initiative?” asks Simon Prince, MD, president and CEO of Beacon IPA in Manhasset, NY. Prince and his colleagues believe an independent practice association can do the trick. He’s already got 200 physicians in his IPA, and he believes they are nearly ready for ACO-style healthcare.

“There are still a bunch of us private practitioners, but there’s also a lot of consolidation in our marketplace. Docs are running to the hospital for safety and security in fear of healthcare reform. Staying put in a private practice silo and not doing something may not be the right solution,” he says. “But it seemed there are other alternatives.”

Much of the discussion about ACOs has hovered over what entity will have control. Will it be a business entity? Will it be a bunch of joint ventures? Those issues will be worked out, say those who have already embarked on accountable care. The main issue that needs to be solved is clinical integration among a wide variety of players in patients’ healthcare.

“There are still a bunch of us private practitioners, but there’s also a lot of consolidation in our marketplace. Docs are running to the hospital for safety and security in fear of healthcare reform. Staying put in a private practice silo and not doing something may not be the right solution,” he says. “But it seemed there are other alternatives.”

It’s also easy to get rid of physicians who aren’t meeting the mandates of the IPA, which include some of the goals in ACOs, such as clinical integration and other infrastructure, such as a common electronic medical record system. That said, Prince is not yet completely committed to forming an ACO with Beacon, which is only a few months old. Much of that depends on the cooperation with private payers and CMS, after all.

But early signs are encouraging, he says. He’s courting third parties to help with billing software, determine what corporate functions of the IPA they can farm out. Also, he wanted to use an EMR that wasn’t necessarily linked to any one hospital or health system, so that the IPA can have a dialogue with payers allowing the IPA to remain free agents.
In general, as he’s spoken with all the commercial payers in his region, they are more supportive of his group than he anticipated, he says.

“There’s an appetite for this type of physician-led initiative. Competition is probably one reason because having a competitive playing field is important to the payers and our patients. If every practitioner runs en masse to a hospital or health system, it doesn’t help with that competitive balance.”

Payers, he says, want quality, value, and the understanding that the physicians in the IPA will police themselves. “They want assurances that we will work with them on cost savings,” he says.

One of the main initiatives of the IPA is to set up evidence-based guidelines for physician behavior to help limit overutilization.“We’ll have data and see who the outliers are, and there are teeth in the agreement,” he says. Quality initiatives will be put in place, and rates will be based on how well the group’s physicians meet those targets. Outliers will be asked to leave.

“If we do go down the road of the ACO, everyone needs to be rowing in the same direction. It won’t make sense to be a high utilizer and gaming the system. We value private practitioners because we are them. We will help you get there and give you a platform to have a voice.”

Philip Betbeze is a senior leadership editor with HealthLeaders Media. He can be reached at

Friday, April 8, 2011

50 Things to Know About the Proposed ACO Regulations

By By Scott Becker, JD, CPA, R. Brent Rawlings, JD, Barton Walker, JD, and Lindsey Dunn | April 04, 2011

This article briefly outlines 50 things to know about the Medicare Shared Savings Program proposed rule — which established Medicare accountable care organizations — released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on March 31. The article begins with a summary of key 45 provisions included in the proposed regulations and then provides five general observations regarding the ACO program, as established by the regulations.

45 key provisions in the proposed ACO regulations

1. ACO Participants cannot participate in other Medicare shared savings programs. 
A Medicare provider cannot participate in the Shared Saving Program as an ACO participant if it also participates in the independence at home medical practice pilot program or other Medicare programs that include shared savings.

2. An ACO may include the following types of groups of providers:
• ACO professionals (i.e., physicians and hospitals meeting the statutory definition in a group practice arrangement);
• Networks of individuals practices of ACO professionals;
• Partnership or joint venture arrangements between hospitals and ACO professionals; 
• Hospital employing ACO professionals; and
• Other Medicare providers and suppliers as determined by the HHS Secretary.

3. The regulations provide for a once-a-year start date of Jan. 1. Under the proposed rule, ACOs would apply for the three-year program and, if accepted, would be part of a cohort of ACOs joining the Shared Savings Program every Jan. 1.

4. ACO agreements will be for three years with one-year performance measurement periods. 

5. Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries will be retroactively assigned to ACOs based on primary care utilization during a performance year. "We are proposing to assign beneficiaries for purposes of the Shared Savings Program to an ACO if they receive a plurality of their primary care services from primary care physicians within that ACO."

6. Beneficiaries will not be assigned to more than one ACO.

7. Beneficiaries will not receive advance notice of their ACO assignment. However, providers participating in ACOs will be required to post signs in their facilities indicating their participation in the program and to make available standardized written information to Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries whom they serve. Additionally, all Medicare patients treated by participating providers must receive a standardized written notice of the provider's participation in the program and a data use opt-out form.

8. CMS expects 5 million Medicare beneficiaries to receive care from providers participating in a shared savings program.

9. An ACO must have at least 5,000 beneficiaries. If an ACO accepted into the program falls short of the 5,000 requirement, it will be placed on a corrective action plan. 

10. The board of an ACO must include some Medicare beneficiaries.
 "Another of the proposed patient-centered criteria discussed previously is the requirement that ACOs provide for patient involvement in their governing processes. We are proposing that, in order to satisfy this criterion, ACOs will be required to demonstrate a partnership with Medicare FFS beneficiaries by having representation by a Medicare beneficiary serviced by the ACO, in the ACO governing body."

11. The ACO board must include representation from all ACO participants. CMS requires this in order ensure all ACO participants are provided "an appropriate proportionate control over the ACO's decision-making process."

12. No more than 25 percent of board seats can be held by non-ACO participants such as entrepreneurial companies. 
"In order to be eligible for participation in the Shared Savings Program, the ACO participants must have at least 75 percent control of the ACO's governing body."

13. The proposed regulations do not require an ACO to become a separate legal entity with a separate Tax Identification Number. However, CMS recognized not requiring this could make it more difficult for CMS to audit ACO performance. Thus, it is seeking comment on whether all ACOs should be required to be formed as separate legal entities. 

14. The ACO can enter into a one-sided or two-sided shared savings agreement. Under the first, "one-sided" risk model, an ACO that creates a savings of at least 2 percent would get 50 percent of the money above that threshold, but it would have no penalty if it spent more in the first and second year. Under the "two-sided" model, an ACO could receive 60 percent of the money above the threshold but also would be penalized if it led to higher costs. By the third year of the program, all ACOs would become responsible for losses. 

15. Cost targets, from which savings will be calculated, will be based on retrospective review of aggregate beneficiary-level data for the assigned population. Spending targets will be compared to actual spending and any savings above the ACO's minimum savings rate (generally 2 percent), will be shared between CMS and the ACO.

16. CMS will set spending benchmarks based on three years of data. These will be set with a higher weighting on the most recent year and the lowest weighting on the year three years ago (i.e., a 60, 30, and 10 rating). There are several adjustments to the benchmarking.

17. Generally there is no savings shared or costs to be borne unless savings are at least 2 percent above or below the benchmark. 
The higher the number of beneficiaries, the lower the minimum savings rate. For smaller populations (e.g., 5,000 beneficiaries), the minimum savings rate can be higher (i.e., up to 3.9 percent). However, there are exceptions to the rule for rural ACOs. 

18. The ACO entity is responsible for distributing savings to participating entities. Medicare will pay the savings to the ACO, which will distribute it to participants in the ACO.

19. ACOs will be subject to a withhold of shared savings to offset possible future losses. "The ACO will be subject to a 25 percent withhold of shared savings in order to offset any future losses under the two-sided model." If an ACO completes its three-year agreement, it can recoup the 25-percent withhold. If an ACO terminates its agreement before the three-year requirement, CMS will retain any portion of shared savings withheld. 

20. To be eligible to receive shared savings, the ACO must also meet certain quality standards. There are five standard measures for quality or areas. These include patient care giver experience, care coordination, patient safety, preventive health and at risk population/ frail elderly health. CMS will designate scoring and measurement concepts. "Each of the [five] domains is equally weighted in determining an ACO's overall quality performance score, regardless of whether the ACO is in Track 1 or Track 2."

21. An ACO must develop a process to promote evidence-based medicine, patient engagement and coordination of care.

22. ACOs must have a patient survey tool in place.
23. ACOs must have a process for evaluation the health needs of the population it serves.
24. ACOs must have systems to identify high risk beneficiaries and develop individual care plans for target populations. 

25. An ACO must report and maintain a database of all ACO participants and their National Provider Identifiers.
26. ACOs must have a compliance plan and conflicts of interest policies and means to screen ACO participants.
27. ACOs must get approval for any changes in ACO participants (i.e., providers) during the three-year contract period.

28. Where an ACO's structure or participants changes during a term, CMS has five different ways it may respond. In some cases, the ACO will be allowed to move forward in the program. In others, it would be required to start over with a new three-year agreement. In some cases, the ACO would no longer be eligible for the Shared Savings Program. (See page 137 of the proposed regulations for the full list of CMS responses.)

29. Primary care providers may only participate in one ACO. However, a hospital can participate in more than one ACO, as can non-primary care medical and surgical providers.

30. Physicians eligible for primary care provider status include internal medicine, general practice, family practice and geriatric medicine specialists.
31. At least 50 percent of an ACO's primary care physicians must be meaningful EHR users as defined by the HITECH Act and subsequent Medicare regulations.

32. Each ACO will have significant public reporting requirements in a standardized format.
 Name; location; contact; participating providers; identification of participants in joint-ventures between ACO professionals and hospitals; identification of representatives on the governing body; associated committees and leadership; quality performance standard scores; shared savings information, total proportion of savings distributed to participants; and total used to support quality performance will be reported publicly.

33. ACOs must have a data-use agreement with CMS. However, Medicare beneficiaries assigned to ACOs can opt-out of data sharing. The ACO must supply beneficiaries with a form that allows them to opt-out. 

34. CMS will share aggregate population data regarding the ACO's population several times per year. Data from CMS will include financial performance; quality performance scores; aggregate metrics on the assigned beneficiary population; utilization data at the start of the agreement period based on historical beneficiaries; and identification of historically assigned beneficiaries used to calculate the benchmark.

35. CMS may monitor to ensure they are not avoiding at-risk beneficiaries or distributing unapproved marketing materials in addition to a whole range of other issues. In regards to marketing materials, CMS must approve any marketing materials or other communications promoting the ACO. 

36. ACOs must agree to be open wholly to audits. "We further propose that, if such data are generated by ACO participants or another individual or entity, or a contractor, or subcontractor of the ACO or the ACO participants, such ACO participant, individual, entity, contractor, or subcontractor must similarly certify the accuracy, completeness, and truthfulness of the data and provide the government with access to such data for audit, evaluation, and inspection."

37. The regulations set forth 16 grounds for termination of an ACO's shared savings agreement with CMS.Examples of these grounds include failure to report quality standards or failure to meet quality thresholds and avoidance of at-risk beneficiaries. (A full list of the 16 grounds can be found on pg. 409 of the proposed regulations.)

38. There are several concepts which are not subject to appeal by an ACO if it is terminated from the program by CMS. (A list of these can be found on pg. 412 of the proposed regulations). ACOs may appeal an initial determination if it is not prohibited for administrative or judicial review. 

39. CMS can change the program during a contract term, but can't change the rules regarding the eligibility requirements of an ACO, calculation of the shared savings rate and beneficiary assignment.

40. CMS and the OIG have proposed waivers with regard to Civil Monetary Penalty, Antikickback and Stark laws solely as to relationships wholly related to an ACO. For Stark and Antikickback, the waiver applies only to distributions of shared savings (not any other financial relationships). To view the CMS and OIG guidance, clickhere. 

41. Preliminary guidance from IRS available. The IRS has issued preliminary guidance to provide tax-exempt entities information on participating in ACOs. To view the IRS guidance, click here. 

42. Preliminary guidance from antitrust agencies available. The FTC and DOJ have also issued a proposed statement of antitrust enforcement policy as to ACOs. According to the guidance, ACO participants will not be challenged if they have a combined share of less than 30 percent of the common service in each area. If outside the safe zone it can still proceed if less than 50 percent. If more than 50 percent it must receive an approval to participate. If less than 50 percent, it doesn't need a review, but can request one. To view the antitrust guidance clickhere. 

43. The core concepts of the ACO program are to achieve better care for individuals, better health for populations and lower growth for Medicare expenditures. 

44. Comments on the proposed rule will be accepted for 60 days after the proposed rule is published in the Federal Register (expected April 7, 2011, so until June 6, 2011).

45. The ACO program is scheduled to go into effect on Jan. 1, 2012.

General observations on the ACO program

46. Will require massive bureaucracy. Given the scope of the regulations and the number of actions and approvals to qualify and participate and be accountable as an ACO, the ACO regulations likely will require the establishment a massive bureaucracy. In some ways, it's a different form with much more integration than providers that manage a Medicare advantage plan system but with arguably even more complexity.

47. Regulations are idealistic. The regulations in many ways speak of what is viewed by CMS as ideal concepts in healthcare, concepts used as platitudes such as "patient-centered care," "patient engagement" and many other terms. It will be fascinating to see how the actual practical hard-nosed implementation meshes with such ideals.

Further, the regulations speak of the kind of leadership expected in ACOs as though government can choose leaders or dictate what they look like in what we know is an imperfect world and where the reality of capitalism and a free market. In reality, who leads such organizations is never going to be as clean and clear as the regulations seem to believe and the leaders won't fit a certain stereotype.

48. Regulations limit business involvement. The program set forth the kind of negative attitude that one might expect from CMS towards business and further tends to reflect CMS' demonization of business and insurance. For example, while some might think business involvement is needed to drive this, the regulations specifically require that business interests cannot make-up more than 25 percent of the board in ACOs.

49. Regulations require beneficiary representation in ACO governance. The program requires a means for equal and shared governance in ACOs and requires beneficiaries to have a say in the ACO governance. Specifically, the proposed regulations require the ACO governing body to include including "a Medicare beneficiary serviced by the ACO." 

50. Regulations favor PCPs. The ACO regulations — much like intended reform in the 90s — view the primary care physician as the leader of patients' healthcare and really relegates many other parties to being cost centers. Language regarding PCP roles is somewhat glowing, further suggesting this perspective.